We specialize in determining water leaks without invasive methods. Our expertise in leak detection ensures your peace of mind, safeguarding your home from potential damage.

Discovering a water leak in your home can turn into a homeowner's worst fear. Often, these leaks stay hidden, wreaking havoc over time. If you're facing a plumbing challenge, there's no need to consider drastic measures like excavating your yard or dismantling walls. 

How Do You Detect Water Leaks?

Only some leaks are visible, and pinpointing the source can be challenging with the right technology. Non-invasive detection methods offer solutions without causing harm to your home, avoiding the need to create holes in walls or tear up flooring.

This technology uses infrared cameras to inspect pipes and inaccessible areas from different angles. The leak detection equipment inspectors use reveals leaks or issues not easily visible to the naked eye by detecting temperature variations caused by running water. 

Another non-invasive approach is meter testing, which checks water pressure within pipes. Any significant pressure differences could indicate a potential leak.

Both methods — using infrared cameras and meter testing — are effective, safe, and preserve your home's integrity without causing any damage during detection.

Detecting Leaks Saves You Money

Discovering a leak at home means losing hundreds of gallons of water daily. This surge in water usage is reflected in your bill, signaling a potential leak. Spotting and addressing leaks early conserves water and prevents an unexpected rise in expenses.

Beyond just saving on water bills, water leak detection saves you from substantial home damage. By investing in detection services initially, you avert the expensive repairs. It's a wise financial choice — spending less now on detection ensures you avoid hefty maintenance that comes with severe home damage

What are the Major Causes of Leaks?

Here are the common causes why your home or commercial property is suffering from water leakage. 

Water Line Clogging 

While a clog might seem minor, it can escalate to pipe bursts, mainly when blockages occur in air handler drain pans or gutters. Keeping your HVAC system and gutters clean is the most effective method to prevent pipe blockages and subsequent leaks. Call for leak detection services if you need help. 

Pressure Overload or Variations

When water pressure becomes too intense, it strains your pipes and may lead to bursts. To determine the appropriate pressure for your household pipes and faucets, schedule an appointment with a specialist who can measure the water pressure accurately.


Age can be a culprit. Over time, your plumbing system ages, inviting rust and other forms of corrosion that inflict severe damage on pipes. Look out for pipe discoloration or distortion — these signs indicate it's time to contact your trusted plumber.

Faulty Pipe Connections

Pipe joints serve to maintain a smooth flow of water. A leak detection equipment can identify if these connecting points become the weakest links in the pipeline. Since these joints are usually hidden, listen for banging or ticking noises when you activate your hot water — they could indicate issues at these junctions.

Tree Roots Intrusion

When tree roots grow beyond their natural boundaries, they might infiltrate water lines, causing moisture to seep into your yard. Look for telltale signs like sinkholes or damp patches in your yard as indicators of this issue.

What are the Risks and Dangers Caused by Leaks?

Minor water leaks might seem harmless, but they can spiral into major plumbing issues in several ways. It’s best to call for water leak detection services in these cases. 

  • Health Hazard 

Water leaks are like a welcome mat for mold and mildew due to the moisture they create. Even leaks you can't see can make mold that spreads fast, leading to breathing problems for everyone at home. This mold can cause severe allergies or skin infections for people with asthma or sinus issues.

  • Home Damage

Remember, leaks aren't just from pipes inside. Cracks in your foundation or outdoor pipes can also cause water damage. In places with intense storms and harsh winters, even a tiny leak can cause damage inside your home.

  • Structural Damage

Tiny water leaks might seem insignificant, but they can cause significant harm to your home's ceilings, hardwood floors, carpets, and overall structure. 

According to leak detection companies, if a leak happens inside walls, it might stay hidden for a long time, growing slowly over months or even years. Over time, it can severely damage the wall's structure and insulation.

Call United Restoration 

If you notice a leak, act quickly by shutting off the water supply, clearing pooled water, and contacting United Restoration for professional plumbing repairs.

We offer top-notch plumbing services at affordable prices. Our team can manage any size of water leak damage, ensuring we handle all your plumbing emergencies effectively.

Feel free to reach out to us to discover more about our services for leak detection.